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Pine Nuts Chinese 250g - Mourads


A good source of nutrients, Chinese Pine Nuts are the widest and most available pine nuts you can get. Mourad’s Chinese Pine Nuts are available, and of the best quality, too!

Delivery Cut Off Time : Orders must be placed before Midday (12.00pm) Wednesday each week and delivery will be made on Friday of the same week. If your order is placed after Midday Wednesday (12.00pm), it will be delivered the following Friday. More Shipping options coming soon.
Easter Orders : Orders are due by Monday 11th April for Wednesday 13th (please check your area for delivery day). Week after - Orders are due on Monday 18th April for Thursday 21st April delivery (all areas)
Availability :In stock

Whether you know them as pine nuts, pignolias, pinoli, or piñón, these Chinese pine nuts are locally sourced from the country itself, and are widely available in the market. With this in mind, you may get one of these best quality nuts to snack on anytime, and even anywhere you’d like to eat them. Whether you are working, lazing around, or even chilling with friends, Mourad’s offers the best quality Chinese Pine nuts ever, in bags of 250 grams. Mourad's Chinese pine nuts are enriched with vitamins and minerals, such as protein, iron, magnesium and vitamin E to help keep you energised and ready as you conquer everything you have to do for the day, in just one snack. Pine nuts are a very common addition to many Middle Eastern dishes especially apart of meat kibbi - whether balls or bil saniey (tray baked), on top of riz wa jaj (rice & chicken), hommus with ground beef, hashweh (ground beef with pine nuts) and of course the list goes on. Be sure to use Mourad's Chinese pine nuts in any of the above mentioned dishes to create ultimate deliciousness!

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